
Working with components

Let’s see how we can create a simple component for using in our application. To create a component, you must create a TvComponent<T> class object. Every component handles a single piece of data (its state) of type T.

var label = new TvComponent<string>("Hello world", "mylabel");

This code creates a component that holds a simple string value as state. The component is initialized to have state of Hello World and a name of myLabel.

Once you have a component you can add to your application using the UI property of the ITuiEngine:


At this point the component is attached and running! However you won’t see anything at screen. To see something in the screen we need to specify where and how the component has to be drawn. For the where we use a viewport and for the how, we need a drawer.


A viewport is a instance of a class that implements the IViewport interface and it is, basically, a position and a bounds. The most common way to create viewports is to use the Viewport class:

var viewport = new Viewport(TvPoint.FromXY(10, 10), 30);

This creates a viewport that starts at position (10, 10) and has 30 columns and a single row. For multiline viewports there is another constructor that accepts a TvBounds object. This constructor also accepts a Layer object with the layer of the viewport (its z-index):

var viewport = new Viewport(TvPoint.FromXY(10, 10), TvBounds.FromRowsAndCols(10,4), Layer.Standard);

Once you have a viewport you can add it to the component using the AddViewport method. This method returns the viewport identifier (a Guid). The first viewport has always the Guid.Zero value and it is considered the default viewport. You need this Guid to update a specific viewport.

Note that a component can have more than one viewport. In this case it will be rendered in all of its viewports.


A drawer is responsible to draw the component, or a part of it. A component can have zero or more drawers attached to it, and all of them are executed to compose the final output of the component.

The method AddDrawer allows adding a drawer to the component.

Last modified May 13, 2020: doc updated (5a9b77b)